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Advent of Code 2024, Day 17

-- Chronospatial Computer --

Leaderboard Positions - Part 1: 6365, Part 2: 2241

Video Explanation

Hello all! In this puzzle, we are given a program spec (which is similar to other Advent of Code virtual machines) and we need to run the program given. There are 8 instructions as most of the content centers around 3-bit numbers. Here is a summary of all the instructions (keep in mind that adv, bdv, and cdv do the same thing, which is a bitshift):

The combo means to translate the literal arg to either 0, 1, 2, 3, or A, B, C, with 7 not being valid. In part 1, we need to run the program with the registers given, which just needs to simulate. In part 2, we need to find the smallest A register value that will return the instructions. To start, I reversed the program to get this:

B = A & 7
B = B ^ 3
C = A >> B
B = B ^ 5
A = A >> 3
B = B ^ C

The shows that we are dealing with an encryption that turns a base 8 number to a list of other base 8 numbers. That means we can brute force efficiently by recursively checking each digit, incrementing by 8^i. This allows all possible branches to be checked, which fixes the issue with the C register.

My work during the night is in program.txt, which isn't much, but it's honest work.